This book is distinctive for an unbelievable, six different reasons.
First, you rarely see a book with two ribbons, much less two different coloured ribbons and noticed the ribbons are different lengths.
Second, 14 different colours of foil on the cover; incredibly distinctive.
Thirdly, the endpaper is a solid brown rather than black or white.
Fourth, the elastic ribbon. It’s attached on the outside back cover, but rather on the inside of the back cover.
Fifth, a gusset folder that is full surfaced glue to the inside back cover.
Sixth, an added saddle stitched book has been inserted to the gusset pocket.
This picture of the five books are shown to indicate the creative use of ribbons. Each of these books have two ribbons; one ribbon matches the colour of the cover, and the other is a solid black, and in some of the instances, the ribbons in each book are of two different lengths. So, if your client needs some ribbons for a book, please talk to us. Ribbons come in six different end cuts different widths, different colour patterns, printed and multiple colours.
These pictures show seven books all with singular ribbons and in this instant all the ribbons match the colour of the book. The red book has a red ribbon; the green books have a green ribbon. In my experience producing hardback case bound books, the majority of books with ribbons don’t have the covers matching the ribbon. Increasingly more books have two or more ribbons. I believe the additions of a ribbon in a book greatly adds to the perceived value and functionality of the product.

I’ve seen dozens of different kinds of ribbons in my time, different widths, different colours, different end cuts, but this is a two-colour pattern printed ribbon. Again, if you want your customers case wrap book to be distinctive, memorable, think how you can be creative in the application use of a ribbon.
This is a rare situation where there’s three different coloured ribbons. You notice pictures in this web that we can do different end styles to the ribbons. They can be pointed, flat cut, pinked edges, reverse V cut or half circle. So, think creatively. Ribbons are not just normal strips of ribbon; you can add a lot of value to them. We’re also one of the few shops that can print names on ribbons for your case wrap books.
Children’s Book With Ribbon
This is the first time I’ve ever seen a “child book” with a ribbon in it the blue-ribbon coordinates with a lot of blue in the front cover, and the solid blue end paper as pictured. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m seeing more books having ribbons. And now maybe you’ll start to see ribbons required for the production of children’s books.
Imprinted Ribbons
We have installed a machine to imprint ribbons!
We can imprint ribbons in widths from ¼ inch to 2 inches; ribbons with dozens of different textures and surfaces.
We can imprint personal names, pattens, logos and in dozens of different types of styles, colours and sizes.
If you need ribbons imprinted…call us…we can help!
Spot the Difference – Painted vs Taped
Discover a new and cost-effective option for binding your books – painted spines.
Traditionally, Smyth bound books are either encased in a hardcover or have a cloth strip taped onto the spine to conceal the signature threads. However, we now offer an exciting alternative: painting the spine.
By opting for painting, you not only save on materials and labor, but also gain the ability to customize your book’s spine with a wide range of colors and designs. The subtle bumps of the signature thread remain visible, showcasing the expert craftsmanship of Smyth sewn books.
Don’t miss out on this innovative and eye-catching way to enhance your book’s appearance. Please give us a call if you want a unique and personalized touch for your book binding job.