This is one of the most distinctive unusual books I’ve ever seen among the many hundreds and hundreds of jobs we’ve done. You will notice printing on the face of this book. The letters are a little jagged, normally when a client wants printing on the face of the book, we print the face of the book after the book is collated and bound, and three side trimmed before we screen print the name on the face. What’s unusual about this particular situation is we didn’t do the usual process. The letters are actually bled off the sheets and printed on the individual pages. This takes a lot of thinking, a lot of planning, and a lot of testing. We have to work very closely with the printer to ascertain which pages on e.g. 16-page signature, have the black lines edging out after the book is fold; it collated and sewn. Obviously, all you see in the edges of the folded sections but then when we three knife trimmed the book, there’s words on the face. In some situations, it’s a lot harder than face printing. Usually quite a lot cheaper however, the reality of this particular method is that the printing of the full sheets the price is cheaper. The letters are not as sharp as they would be if we were to print the letters on the face of the book after it’s trimmed.