Lenticular Printing

Lenticular Printing is one of those printing innovations that still gets a buzz. A finishing feature like Lenticular Printing adds value to a product and lets end users anticipate that the contents are at least as special as the box lid or book cover.

We’re seeing increasing demand for Lenticular Printing as a finishing element for book covers and rigid box lids. Designers and marketers are discovering that Lenticular Printing is a great means of communication. The animation and 3D effect of Lenticular Printing is eye catching.

Both lenticular and holographic images show a “moving” printed image. Lenticular Printing is a digital print process that doesn’t need special light, whereas Holograms need special light in order to be seen.

Lenticular Printing on book covers or rigid box lids compels consumers to interact and engage with the product.

In all my decades of experience in bindery, nothing intrigues and fascinates people like a quality printed lenticular image. Want to take your rigid box lid or book cover to the next level … give us a call at (416) 701-0111 ext. 311! You do the Lenticular Printing, and leave the rest of the project to us!

2480 Lawrence Ave E Toronto, ON M1P 2R7 Canada