Hubbed Spine

What are Hubs (Hubbed Spine) in the context of book binding context? Hubs are raised, horizontal bands/ribs/ridges on the outside spine (binding edge) of a case bound book. This is another binding process that can only be fully explained by showing you pictures!

Hubbed Spine

In past centuries, up until maybe the 1850s, the Hub on a book’s spine was a thread (or sometimes string) that helped to bind and strengthen the book. Nowadays, Hubs on the spine are a purely stylistic, cosmetic choice. Modern day Hubs do not help strengthen the binding … they’re purely for the aesthetics.

Hubbed Spine

Hubbed Spine


  • Elongated ridges or ribs on a book spine
  • Rounded & Smooth
  • We can add Hubs to books of almost any thickness or height!

Hubbed Spine

Hubbed Spine


  • Hubs add a distinctive quality to books
  • Hubs increases the perceived value of a book by making it appear more classic

Factors to Consider

  • If you want Hubs on the spine of you casebound book, the material of the casebound cover wrap cannot be litho printed paperWe must supply the cover wrap, which is a lighter cloth or manmade material
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