Die-cut Covers

Die Cut Book Covers

I did a presentation of die cut covers on hard back/case bound books.  I am repeating the product presentation because the addition of this video enhances the understanding of the process.  We can die cut hard back cover thickness up to 240 point.  Because of the thickness of the hard-back covers, the details of the die cut pieces that is to be removed cannot be as detailed as what can be die cut out of paper as light as maybe 100lb offset.

Die cut hard covers are distinctive, unusual and eye catching.  Every time I have seen someone pick up a book with a die cut cover, they always lift the cover and put their finger through the hole!

At first glance book #1 – looks like any other book; until it is opened as shown in book #2 and book #3.  Most of the hard-back die cut covered books are bound in the hard back/case bound style.  Pictures #4 to #7 are of a hard back/case bound book.  This one is different than most in that you can’t see the gray or brown “board” that frame the “hole”, because the four sides of the holes are “wrapped” with the material whit wraps the board.

Most books with die cut “wrapped covers”, are bound in the hard back/case bound style.  However, pictures #8 to #12 are books bound with wire-o binding style.  Pictures #8 and #9 illustrates a hard back, two-piece cover with die cutting.  Pictures #10 to #12 illustrates a die-cut, one-piece wire-o bounding style.

As I have said repeatedly…if your customer wants something, it is your job to give them something different!

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