Video Blog/Vlog

No Spine Smyth Binding

No Spine Smyth Binding This Smyth-sewn book has no outside cover or spine! Notice how the printed signatures were planned so they would align to

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Promo Book

This is a promotional piece that we have made several hundred of.  Our name appears nowhere in this book!  It is meant to be a

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Jagged Face (Pinking)

The “jagged” face of these books is called “pinked” edges. We can put these edges on perfect bound books, hardcover books, pads, saddle stitched book……any

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Taped Spines

Books have taped spines for one of two reasons.  One reason taped spines are used is to further strengthen the binding of the book.  Taped

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Fan Binding

Fan binding as you can see in the video, the single sheets are fanned two ways and run over the surface of a glue roller. 

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As you can see from my video and these pictures a “Lenticular” product is one of the most distinctive, customer engaging and memorable products that

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Decal Edges

The product for this week is “decal edges.”  Decal edges are “roughed” edged on special paper.  Pictures #1 to #4 show four different kinds of

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Imprinted Ribbons

We have installed a machine to imprint ribbons!  We can imprint ribbons in widths from ¼ inch to 2 inches; ribbons with dozens of different

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Round Books

Yes we can make round books.  Pretty much any sizes you want up to 14” across.  Cases can be padded, to have a foam feel

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Elastics as you can see “book elastics” come in dozens of colours, different widths, and a few different “sewn patterns,” round or flat.  Elastics for

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Edge Painted Printing

I recently did a video about face printed books that are printed by a printer on an offset or digital press.  This video describes the

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Three Panel Cover

These pieces are memorable, unusual and user engaging.  I’ve said it in the past that “a genius is someone who knows the difference between a

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What I’m showing in this video and still pictures what are usually simply called a “Binder.”  An older but more descriptive term is “ring binder.” 

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